Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

August 28, 2022

Dear Friends,
I am so enjoying the folks who are embracing stewardship in all our wonderful ministries at both Saint Catherine of Siena and the Church of the Transfiguration.
We have been moving forward from the past two years of serious hiccups. Our faith communities have been welcoming to not only our congregations and guests but to our faithful ministers as well.
I am so pleased with those ministers who have returned to their roles as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Servers, Cross Bearers and Greeters. I write this message welcoming back everyone who has been a liturgical minister in the past and those who are thinking about becoming one to contact me or Margie Benza or Ruth Maier. You are needed to fortify the sacred beauty of our faith traditions.
Last week at Saint Catherine of Siena, the Arts and Environment Ministry met. They looked at their vision statement, reaffirmed it and wanted to call out to other stewards who might like to share in their ministry and vision.
All our ministries at both Saint Catherine of Siena and the Church of the Transfiguration have solid visions for our varied ministries. I would like to invite all our Chair People/Leaders to look at their ministry visions and see how (as we move post covid) to invite renewal of our stewards and welcome new individuals.
So, just to share, the description of Arts & Environment at Saint Catherine's reads, "We are people with a passion for prayer, liturgy and the Lord who gather to prepare our sacred spaces. Your presence will add to the sacredness of our wonderful faith community. We meet seasonally, creating schedules to meet the needs of St. Catherine's."
We have a wealth of ministries between our two faith communities. Is their one you might consider? As we all see, around us there are many JOB OPENINGS. Might you fill one in your faith community?
Thanks for your prayerfulness and consideration!


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