Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

September 18, 2022

Dear Friends,
I am pleased to announce that the role of Secretary at Saint Catherine of Siena has been filled. Please join me in welcoming Tiffany Wagner who will join us officially on Monday September 19th. I am confident that Tiffany will bring her skills and blessings before our community and that our warm welcome will make her feel most pleased to join our parish staff. Tiffany is excited to join us and I am sure as we get to know her and Tiffany gets to know us we will be quite pleased that the Lord has brought us together. Do stop by the Parish Office and introduce yourselves so she may know how true it is we are good company to be among!!!
Last weekend we blessed backpacks at both faith communities and prayed our best to all who are beginning a new school year. I reminisced my remembrances of my grammar school teachers by name and after mass found that my “grey matter” is a gift as so many others could not even name their teachers.
I pray it will be a fruitful, blessed and safe year for all in our world of education. That goes for elementary school, middle school, high school and all levels of academia. Enjoy your days of learning and being your best selves among others!
Have you been keeping up with me about the abundant goodness that has been coming forth from our garden at Transfiguration? We are blessed by the hands of Diana and Karl and their helpers in harvesting so much. I believe we are approaching the two thousand pound mark of donating garlic scrapes, radishes (a favorite of mine), snow peas, lettuce, Swiss chard, beets (another favorite of mine), zucchini/squash, peppers, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, onions, herbs, cabbage, egg plant and love (another favorite of mine) for so many of our sisters and brothers who could use a gift of blessing and garden bounty! Thank you to Diana, Karl and everyone who has used their hearts and hands to provide this treasure of nourishment!!!
This past Sunday, on a day that is heavy on so many hearts and spirits (September 11th) we had a wonderful gathering at Transfiguration. It was a “Mentor Dinner” that brought almost 180 people of all ages together to nurture and care for one another’s spirit and soul. We hope this was just the beginning of an opportunity to bring our faith community of every age together and be enriched by sharing one another’s story. I pray that everyone who came will feel enlivened in their presence of how being the “Body of Christ” is such a gift! I know it made me feel great.
With an ongoing grateful heart,
Father Rob


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