Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Serve at Church

Altar Linens

The sparkling white altar linens are the work of a small set of dedicated volunteers, working on a rotating weekly schedule.  Once a week, they pick up the linens used in the masses, clean and press them, and return them to the church.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact the parish office.


Christmas Basket Program

The Christmas Basket Program provides food and small gifts to families in need in Rochester through the House of Mercy (a homeless shelter for men and family outreach center), Jordan Health Center, St. Vincent de Paul, Pittsford, Fairport and other local communities. This program links our parish community with others living in poverty and assists us to see the struggles of the poor, oppressed and marginalized locally. Parishioners have generously responded by sponsoring families in providing both food and small gifts for family members.  If you wish to become a  sponsor or would like to offer your time and talent in assisting with the program, please contact Margie Benza at the parish office at 248-2427 x244 or by e-mail using the Contact Us feature of this website.  


Christmas Sharing Tree 

The Sharing Tree is an addition to our Christmas Basket Program that offers gifts to Rochester agencies and local families to support their Christmas holiday which include Jordan Health Center. Matthew’s Closet, Kentucky, Bethany House, The Margaret Home and others.  This generous tradition continues at Transfiguration starting In October to offer plenty of time to participate. Consider picking a tag from the tree and enjoy the gift of giving. With questions, please contact Denise Nunziato at dnvolunteer9099@gmail.com or Margie Benza@dor.org.

Funeral Baking Ministry 

Please consider assisting with our funeral receptions by offering baked goods. Cookies, cakes, brownies and various sweet breads are a welcomed and wonderful way to reach out to others when you may not be able to assist directly with the funeral reception. If you are interested, please contact Margie Benza at the parish office at 248-2427.

Funeral Reception Committee 

It is in the kind, helpful hands of others that bring comfort to grieving families during a difficult time. It is a priceless gift of hospitality from our community as we extend the hands of Christ to others. Offer your helping hands and comfort to families who wish to sit with family and friends in sharing a meal and memories of their loved one. Responsibilities would include assisting the coordinator and other ministers with set-up, serving and clean-up. Please contact Margie Benza  at 248-2427 with interest.

Good Samaritan Ministry 

Parishioners are available to assist another parishioner in need of a ride to a doctor, a trip to the grocery store, or prescription pick up.  Please contact Margie Benza at the parish office 248-2427.

Green Thumb Ministry 

 If you enjoy caring for plants, we would appreciate your assistance in keeping our parish plants well watered and cared for periodically.  Please contact the parish office to join the crew!

Periodically we need assistance in changing the light bulbs in the church.  If you don’t mind heights and can offer 2-3hrs a few times a year, we’d appreciate your helping hands.  Please contact our coordinator, Kevin Reilly (585-500-5489) or kevinreilly13@gmail.com to volunteer.

Liturgical Arts/Environment Ministry 

Volunteer your time decorating our church for the liturgical season.  5 seasons are scheduled throughout the year and we could use your time and talent in bringing the season to life with simple but beautiful decorating.  We are in the process of revamping this ministry, stay tuned for additional details.

Merry Marthas and Muscles

Our church is kept beautiful by the hard work and effort of our cleaning ministry.Volunteers are needed to help with house keeping duties to maintain the beautiful appearance of our church.  The commitment, depending on the number of volunteers, is 1 ½ - 2 hours every 4-6 weeks on a Monday morning .  It’s an important ministry within the parish, a great way to meet other parishioners and has its own personal rewards.  Please consider donating a few hours a month?  If interested, please call Gael Garrity at 381-9179.

Monthly Food Collection 

Each month we take up a food collection, accepting donations at each mass, with the collection going to a designated agency.  Collection dates and the specific agency being supported that month are published in the bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Marchiony at joemarchiony@yahoo.com.


Reception Ministry

Do you enjoy organizing small receptions?  Volunteers are needed to help organize and run small receptions in our Gathering Area after events a few times a year.  Please contact Margie Benza @ 248-2427 to offer your time.

School Supply Drive

Our school supply drive is held in August to collect school supplies for Mt. Carmel, the Eastern Service Workers and the House of Mercy.  Help is needed to organize the drive, and to pack/deliver the supplies in mid-late August.  Contact Judy Herlihy 261-5981 judithherlihy22@msn.com if you are interested.  

Thanksgiving Turkey Drive

Every year, Transfiguration parishioners participate in the donation of whole frozen and roasted turkeys in order to provide Thanksgiving dinner for families and individuals in need.   Teen and adult volunteers, if you are interested in assisting, please contact Kathy Kyhos - kkhyhos@frontiernet.net or 752-7389   or Denise Nunziato - dnvolunteer9099@gmail.com



Turkey Drive Thank You - 2023

Through your generosity, our Turkey Drive offered 161 frozen and 36 roasted turkeys with additional dinner items (stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetables, roasting pan s, etc) to various agencies in the city of Rochester. Most importantly, it provided time for many who may have had no place to go to enjoy a hot meal and community on Thanksgiving Day.  

The agencies we donated to were the following:
House of Mercy
Dimitri House
Bethany House
Eastern Service Workers
Sr Regis Food Cupboard 
St Andrews Food Cupboard 
Pittsford Food Cupboard 

Our thanks to so many who participated from the donation of frozen turkeys, the gift of roasting them, great donations of trimmings, and our delivery drivers. All lending their hands to help others. A special thanks to Denise Nunziato and Kathy Kyhos  who workd so diligently in coordinating the effort.

Work of Our Hands Knitting and Crocheting

This is a joint charitable knitting/crocheting group with the Church of the Transfiguration and St. Louis Church.  We make items for local and international agencies serving those in need.  No prior skills are needed.  We have needles, yarn and patterns to share.  There is no pressure; come when you can, donate when you can.  We meet the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 1-3PM, and the third Thursday of the month from 6-8PM with one yearly weekend event.  If you are interested, contact Kathleen McMahon (kmcmahon@rochester.rr.com)