2024-2025 Youth Ministry
A Note from Anne Gallagher and Karen Luke, August 2024:
As we look ahead to the next ministry year, we would like to take a moment to thank all of you parents and families who have made this first year of combining our faith formation and youth ministry programs such a fun and exciting time! You've been patient as we figured out new ways of doing things and you've been so positive as we worked through changes. We have loved getting to know everyone from both parishes and building community!
We will continue this year to host most K-5 programs at St. Catherine's and most 6-12 programs at Transfiguration. You can also look forward to many seasonal special events at both locations to help your family grow in faith and have fun making great memories at church throughout the course of the year. As in past years, we will be using a mix of gathered in-person events along with at-home/online work to help families explore faith together.
Youth Ministry offerings this year will include:
- Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8) will meet one Sunday night a month from 7-8:30. An online Google classroom assignment completed before the monthly meeting which will introduce our topic.
- Confirmation prep (typically grades 8-9) will meet one Sunday night a month from 7-8:30. Candidates also complete a monthly Google classroom assignment and attend at least 4 Middle School or High School Youth Group meetings each year. The registration deadline was 8/15.
- Senior High Youth Group (grades 9-12) meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7-8:30.
- SEARCH Retreat for high school students!
Search Retreat February 7-8: Our overnight retreat for high schoolers is moving to a one-night format this year, Friday evening through Saturday late afternoon. Teens who have attended will tell you that it's one of the highlights of the year! Come to deepen friendships, spend time away, laugh together, and grow closer to God. Registration forms are available HERE, in Anne’s weekly email, and in the youth room and are due by Tues. January 7., 2025.
- National Catholic Youth Conference!
National Catholic Youth Conference Nov. 19-23, 2025: NCYC is a biannual gathering of over 13,000 young Catholics from around the country for four days of community, worship, and celebrating our faith. If you will be a 9th-12th grader in the 2025-2026 school year, you can come! Spaces on our diocesan buses will fill fast, so be sure to sign up by 1/14 (the early deadline of 12/17/2024 is even better!). Registration forms are available HERE, in Anne’s weekly email, and in the youth room.
2024- 2025 Registration Letter
2024-2025 Youth Ministry Parent and Youth Permission Form
For more information on any of our youth ministry programs, or to be placed on our weekly email update list, please contact Anne Gallagher at anne.gallagher@dor.org or 248-2427. I love to hear from you!