Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Peace and Justice Newsletters




   “Justice, Peace, and Life”


Awareness alone does not make our world a better place!

Move from awareness to “doing.”  Take action on issues related to social justice, peace, life, human dignity, care for God’s Creation, and the Common Good!


The Diocesan newsletter below (Justice, Peace, and Life) contain a wide variety of opportunities to learn about current social justice issues, and participate in specific service, advocacy and actions at the local, regional, and national levels.

You will find highlights of current societal issues, resources, prayers, events, lectures, educational programs, meetings, petitions, legislative updates, organizations, gospel reflections, ministries, vigils, Diocesan initiatives, ecumenical experiences, opportunities to dialogue and join with others in action, and much more.


Justice, Peace and Life Issues:

February, 2021

May, 2020

March, 2020

February, 2020

January, 2020




Public officials tell us they listen to people who take the time to call, write or visit their offices. Want to contact a public official to express your views on an issue you care about? Here are the gateways to find the name and contact information of your governmental representatives:
Contact the President of the US:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/get-involved/write-or-call/
Contact our US Senators:   Charles Schumer:  (202) 224-6542  www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck
                                               Kirsten Gillibrand:  202-224-4451  www.gillibrand.senate.gov/contact/email-me
Find Your US Congressional Representative:  https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Find Your New York State Senator:  https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator
Find Your New York State Assembly Member: https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/
Contact NY Governor Andrew Cuomo:  518-474-8390  https://www.ny.gov/agencies/office-governor