Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Communications Form

Communications Submission Form

Thanks so much for all that you're doing for our parish! We have many main ways that we promote ministries and events: the email blast, bulletins, social media posts, and Mass announcements. You can use the form below to submit your ministry or event for publication.

We ask that you send your request in at least 2 weeks in advance. Submissions sent after the deadline may not be published. Thanks for understanding!

*Submission does not guarantee publication. Unfortunately, we have limited space in our bulletin, email blast, and for announcements. While we will make every effort to meet all requests, submissions may be bumped to later weeks.


If you have any graphics, images or logos that you would like us to include in the promotion of this event, please email them to nancy.wahl@dor.org .  Thank you!

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