February 2023
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 Grief Share
Grief Share at Transfiguration | 2 Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 3 | 4 Tackle the Cold Challenge
The Tackle Cold Challenge: Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game. | |||
5 Tackle the Cold Challenge
The Tackle Cold Challenge: Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game. | 6 Women in the Spirit
Learning to Pray : A Guide for Everyone | 7 Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 8 Grief Share
Grief Share at Transfiguration | 9 Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 10 | 11 Tackle the Cold Challenge
The Tackle Cold Challenge: Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game. |
12 Tackle the Cold Challenge
The Tackle Cold Challenge: Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game. | 13 | 14 Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 15 Grief Share
Grief Share at Transfiguration | 16 Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 President's Day - Parish Offices Closed
Men in the Spirit - Ed Center Upper Level
Men in The Spirit—Monday, February 20, 2023, at 6:00PM in | 21 Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 22 Grief Share
Grief Share at Transfiguration St. Catherine Lenten Soup Supper
| 23 Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 Lenten Evening Prayer Service
| 28 Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to |
Wednesday Feb 1, 2023
Grief Share
Wednesday Feb 1, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Grief Share at Transfiguration
Our Grief Share Support Group begins at the Church of the
Transfiguration on Wednesday, 1/18/23. Grief Share is a friendly,
caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of
life’s most difficult experiences of losing a loved one. The program
offers caring and informative videos, workbook and shared
conversation with each session. Unexpected things may come up
and you will find encouragement and help whenever you attend.
Join us for this thirteen-week program on Wednesdays from
12:30PM – 2:00PM in our Parish Life Center. Materials cost
$30.00. To register or with questions, please contact Margie Benza
at 248-2427 x244 or Registrations are due
by 1/16/23, and the form can be found HERE.
Thursday Feb 2, 2023
Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel
Thursday Feb 2, 2023 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
In this first year of our Eucharistic Revival,
Transfiguration is pleased to announce the return of
our Eucharistic Adoration on the First Thursday
morning of every month from 9AM – 12 Noon.
Please join us in accompanying our Lord for an hour of prayer
during this sacred time in our chapel. Contact Margie Benza to
offer your presence on a rotating schedule at:
Margie.Benza@dor.orgWomen's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Thursday Feb 2, 2023 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Saturday Feb 4, 2023
Tackle the Cold Challenge
Saturday Feb 4, 2023 All day
The Tackle Cold Challenge:
Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game.
Sunday Feb 5, 2023
Tackle the Cold Challenge
Sunday Feb 5, 2023 All day
The Tackle Cold Challenge:
Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game.
Monday Feb 6, 2023
Women in the Spirit
Monday Feb 6, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Learning to Pray : A Guide for Everyone
by Fr. James Martin, SJ
Book Discussion facilitated by Sr. Karen Dietz SSJ
Monday, February 6 at 6:30pm
Transfiguration Parish Life Center
Women in the Spirit invite all to come and discuss
this robust book on “how to pray” that is quite
accessible, even for those among us who struggle
with private prayer. The book is available through
Amazon ($12.49). You would need to purchase your
own copy but please know that you are not required
to read it all before February 6th. Sr. Karen will
focus our discussion on Chapters 6 & 9 of this
hearty prayer guide with room to explore further.
Please know that all are welcome!
Tuesday Feb 7, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Tuesday Feb 7, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Wednesday Feb 8, 2023
Grief Share
Wednesday Feb 8, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Grief Share at Transfiguration
Our Grief Share Support Group begins at the Church of the
Transfiguration on Wednesday, 1/18/23. Grief Share is a friendly,
caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of
life’s most difficult experiences of losing a loved one. The program
offers caring and informative videos, workbook and shared
conversation with each session. Unexpected things may come up
and you will find encouragement and help whenever you attend.
Join us for this thirteen-week program on Wednesdays from
12:30PM – 2:00PM in our Parish Life Center. Materials cost
$30.00. To register or with questions, please contact Margie Benza
at 248-2427 x244 or Registrations are due
by 1/16/23, and the form can be found HERE.
Thursday Feb 9, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Thursday Feb 9, 2023 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Tackle the Cold Challenge
Saturday Feb 11, 2023 All day
The Tackle Cold Challenge:
Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game.
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Tackle the Cold Challenge
Sunday Feb 12, 2023 All day
The Tackle Cold Challenge:
Let's tackle the winter cold for those in our community as we prepare for the big game. We will be hosting a service blitz as we count down to the Big Game. We will be collecting hats and gloves for our greater Rochester community starting February 4th and continuing till Super Bowl Sunday. Place your donations of the tables in the gathering area, selecting the tables that represent the team you might be cheering for during the big game.
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Grief Share
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Grief Share at Transfiguration
Our Grief Share Support Group begins at the Church of the
Transfiguration on Wednesday, 1/18/23. Grief Share is a friendly,
caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of
life’s most difficult experiences of losing a loved one. The program
offers caring and informative videos, workbook and shared
conversation with each session. Unexpected things may come up
and you will find encouragement and help whenever you attend.
Join us for this thirteen-week program on Wednesdays from
12:30PM – 2:00PM in our Parish Life Center. Materials cost
$30.00. To register or with questions, please contact Margie Benza
at 248-2427 x244 or Registrations are due
by 1/16/23, and the form can be found HERE.
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Thursday Feb 16, 2023 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Monday Feb 20, 2023
President's Day - Parish Offices Closed
Monday Feb 20, 2023 All day
Men in the Spirit - Ed Center Upper Level
Monday Feb 20, 2023 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Men in The Spirit—Monday, February 20, 2023, at 6:00PM in
the Education Building. This month, after a refreshment of Pizza,
wings, beverages, and fellowship, we will enjoy more of Pope
Francis' Laudato Si; from Gerry Gacioch. In Gerry’s description of the
evening: "We will discuss the 7 themes of Pope Francis’ encyclical
Laudato Si, share some of his quotes and discuss actions we can
take individually and together to help preserve our precious planet".
I guarantee no Monday Night Football this month, so please join us.Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Grief Share
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Grief Share at Transfiguration
Our Grief Share Support Group begins at the Church of the
Transfiguration on Wednesday, 1/18/23. Grief Share is a friendly,
caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of
life’s most difficult experiences of losing a loved one. The program
offers caring and informative videos, workbook and shared
conversation with each session. Unexpected things may come up
and you will find encouragement and help whenever you attend.
Join us for this thirteen-week program on Wednesdays from
12:30PM – 2:00PM in our Parish Life Center. Materials cost
$30.00. To register or with questions, please contact Margie Benza
at 248-2427 x244 or Registrations are due
by 1/16/23, and the form can be found HERE.St. Catherine Lenten Soup Supper
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023 5:45 PM to 7:00 PM
Soup Supper at St. Catherine's - The Ash Wednesday Soup Supper tradition at St. Catherine's continues on Wednesday, February 22. Gather at 5:45 p.m., eat at 6 p.m. (including Lenten Jeopardy) and stay for Mass at 7 p.m. To reserve your spot, use this link:
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Thursday Session
Thursday Feb 23, 2023 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Lenten Evening Prayer Service
Monday Feb 27, 2023 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Women's Bible Study - Tuesday Session
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Women’s 8-Week Bible Study—2 Sessions Begin
Tuesday, January 17th—12:30to 2:00 PM
Thursday, January 19th—7:00 to 8:30
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John invites you to
experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. As the Good
Shepherd, Jesus seeks us. He comes to meet us and beckons us
to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open
ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved
us. In this study you will learn what it takes to follow Christ and
discover the joy of divine friendship. You will see how God, and only
God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
Registration is now open with $25 Materials Fee.
All are welcome! Register Online HERE