Here you will find the schedule of events and enlightening material to help you journey through Lent and prepare for the joy of Easter.
Growing the Branches by Seeking Jesus is our 2024 Lenten theme.
Just as branches flourish when rooted in fertile soil, we too can thrive and bear fruit by nurturing our relationship with our Lord and Savior. Let this season be a time of intentional seeking, a time to delve into the teachings of Jesus, and a time to cultivate the seed of faith within our hearts.
May this help you walk with Jesus through Lent, Holy Week, and to the joy of Easter? May our God bring all of us the joy and hope of Easter!
If you would like to access the Easter Little White Book about Easter, please click HERE.
Not Your Typical Church Ladies -
Guide to all the podcasts: HERE
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Holy Thursday
Palm Sunday
Fifth Week of Lent
Fourth Week of Lent
Third Week of Lent
Second Week of Lent
First Week of Lent
Ash Wednesday - (February 14)
Lent 2024 Schedule
Ash Wednesday
Mass - 6:45 a.m. at Transfiguration
Mass - 9 a.m. at St. Catherine of Siena
Ash and Word Service - 12:10 p.m. at Transfiguration
Soup Supper - 5:30 p.m. at St. Catherine (see event calendar to register)
Mass - 7 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena
Monday Evening Lenten Prayer
7 p.m. – Church of the Transfiguration on February 19 and March 4
7 p.m. - St. Catherine of Siena on February 26 and March 11
Lenten Retreat with Fr. Simeon Gallagher
“Becoming the New Human Person: Christ's Gift of Freedom”
This is a 4 day event, no registration is required to attend this free event. Each day of the retreat, daily Mass will be at 9 a.m. After the 9 a.m. Mass, Fr. Gallegher will present a condensed version of the material he will be presenting at 7 p.m. that evening.
The daily schedule is below.
Monday, March 18 and Wednesday, March 20: 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by a condensed presentation, and 7 p.m. full presentation at the Church of the Transfiguration
Tuesday, March 19 and Thursday, March 21: 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by a condensed presentation, and 7 p.m. full presentation at St. Catherine of Siena
Links to the Livestream Sessions - livestream starts a little before 7 pm each night.
Night 1:
Night 2:
Night 3:
Night 4:
Lenten Penance Service
7 p.m. Wednesday 3/25 at Transfiguration
Saturday Mornings with Sr. Barbara Moore
"Reflecting on the Seven Last Words of Jesus"
10 a.m. Saturdays St. Catherine of Siens 2/24 , 3/2, 3/8 and 3/16 (Livestream on St. Catherine's website)
Week 1: YouTube Link
Week 2: YouTube Link
Week 3: YouTube Link
Week 4: YouTube Link
Holy Week and Easter 2024 Schedule
Palm Sunday
Saturday 3/23 4 p.m. Mass - Church of the Transfiguration
Saturday 3/23 5:30 p.m. Mass - St Catherine of Siena
Sunday 3/24 8:45 a.m. Mass - Church of the Transfiguration (Livestream)
Sunday 3/24 10:45 a.m. Mass - St. Catherine of Siena (Livestream)
HERE is a link to all the Holy Week and Easter Livestream Services.
Holy Thursday 3/28
7 p.m. Mass - St. Catherine of Siena (Livestream)
Good Friday 3/29
3 p.m. Mass - St Catherine of Siena (Livestream)
Holy Saturday Events 3/30
11 a.m. - Easter Basket Blessing at St. Catherine
Noon - Easter Egg Hunt at St Catherine Sign Up Here to Participate or Help
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 3/30
8 p.m. Mass - Transfiguration (Livestream)
Easter Sunday 3/31
8:45 a.m. Mass - Church of the Transfiguration
8:45 a.m. Mass - St. Catherine of Siena
10:45 a.m. Mass - St. Catherine of Siena
10:45 a.m. Mass - Church of the Transfiguration (Livestream)
Care of God's Creation Presents: A Lenten 'Go Green' Carbon Fasting Calendar
Click HERE for a calendar of suggestions to honor God's Creation by being more environmentally conscious and friendly during Lent.