Dear Friends,
We are writing to you today with some exciting news about upcoming changes to our ministries with children, teens, and families. As we contniue to grow into our shared identity as a faith community, we will begin this summer to work together officially as one team to provide quality life-long faith formation opportuniƟes for all ages and stages on the faith journey.
Although change is never easy, we are truly excited to be pooling our energies and gifts to beƩer serve you by providing a robust menu of opportunities to help you and your family grow in faith. Joining our programs will allow us to do more together than either parish has been able to do separately – sharing beloved traditions with each other and finding new ways to make memories together. Here are a few important things we want to share with you as we begin planning for the 2023-24 ministry year:
- Karen, Anne, and Vicky will be present at both parishes. The relationships we have built over many years are so important to us, and we look forward to building new relationships in our shared community. You will still see our familiar faces around as we take a team approach to age-specific programming.
- For this year, most regular K-5 faith formation gatherings, including Sacramental prep for first Reconciliation and first Eucharist, will be housed primarily at St. Catherine’s.
- For this year, most regular grade 6-12 gatherings, including Sacramental prep for Confirmation, will be housed primarily at Transfiguration.
- We’ve found that hybrid ministry helps to balance the many demands on families’ time with opportunities to dive deeply into the faith independently while also forming community. Expect to see a mix of gathered sessions and at-home/online work in our offerings.
- You can look forward to many seasonal opportunities to pray, serve, and have fun together, rotating between both locations: family dinners, special events to celebrate feasts and seasons in the church year, and many more chances to deepen your connection with God and our community.
Thank you for your patience as we work through this transitional year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions and thoughts. We look forward to an exciting year of ministry together. Please join us for informational meetings this summer as we reveal our menu of programming for the upcoming school year and are available to answer any questions you might have:
Monday, August 14— 6PM at St. Catherine
Tuesday, August 15— 6PM at Transfiguration (feast day Mass is at 7pm)
Peace in Christ,
Karen, Anne, and Vicky