Dear Friends,
August, like every month in the year is moving at a rapid pace. I hope even in these days flying by you are enjoying some summer joys!
This weekend begins one of the celebrations acknowledging Sister Ruth’s 27 years of ministry at Saint Catherine of Siena. So much has happened over these years and you are invited to join Ruth in remembering. This Sunday, there will be a picnic after the 10:45 mass. Hopefully, you got a ticket and will be able to attend.
The mass will recognize Ruth with a special gift of Noah’s baptism. For years, Ruth has prepared families for this sacrament so it is fiƫng to have this Baptism moment part of today’s liturgy.
This coming Wednesday, another gathering happens at Mendon 64. A cash bar and appetizers will be offered for another opportunity to wish Ruth well. If you can kindly RSVP this weekend after mass or email , this will help in preparing for the gathering.
This weekend, we hear Jesus say, “O woman, great is your faith!” to the persistent Canaanite woman with her request for her daughter’s healing. How many times, we too, have been gifted to see Ruth’s great faith before her brothers and sisters!
We thank Ruth for her years of being present to Saint Catherine’s. May her future days be rewarding and full of the Lord’s grace and blessing!
To summer days of joy & blessings,
Father Rob
PS: Thank you to everyone who sent me a birthday greeting! I appreciate your prayers and thoughtfulness!