Dear Friends,
As we “Strengthen The Vine By Welcoming Emmanuel” this weekend and next the gospel has us encountering John the Baptist. John’s whole emphasis is not on himself but that we prepare to encounter one greater than him, Jesus Christ! This is John’s singular focus.
Being the son of a priest John could have preached from the steps of the Temple but instead preaches from the banks of the Jordan River. John is humble. He doesn’t worry about his appearance. Crowds come out to listen to him and John keeps his focus to point the way to Jesus. This second week of Advent may we keep our focus on John’s message and to the one he is pointing us towards, our Emmanuel, Jesus Christ.
Let us take time for our daily prayer. Perhaps you can make a daily mass this week. Have you picked up any resources from our parishes? There are some good things to read and reflect upon. The Little Blue Book this year is focusing us on daily joys. Today there is a Advent Family Fun Day at noon in the Transfiguration Education Center. It’s opportunity open to all to come together and grow with one another strengthening the vine. Vicky, Anne and Karen are offering again their “Not Your Typical Church Ladies Podcast.” This week they are focusing on the mother of Jesus, Mary.
These are just a few things that can aid us in reflecting upon John the Baptist who points us to the Lord!
I want to thank Sue Wallace, Pam McInerney and all our talented vocalists and musicians who offered us a beautiful Christmas Concert in the Round last Sunday! What a fantastic Advent afternoon was gifted to all who attended to enrich us in this sacred season! I know so much work, preparation and several rehearsals pulled together this time offered to our parishes! Again, thank you everyone!
Our Catholic Ministries Appeal is moving forward with positive results for each faith community. Thank you to everyone who has joined me in making a pledge to the campaign. If you haven’t made a pledge as of today, I would ask you to prayerfully consider one to support your parish and the CMA. I am encouraged that both parishes will succeed in making their goals this year!
Please know I am praying for each of you and I hope you will
keep me in yours.
God Bless you as we prepare to welcome our Emmanuel,
Father Rob