Dear Friends,
Strengthening the Vine as we welcome Emmanuel is a perfect direction for us this Third Sunday of Advent. It is referred to as Gaudete Sunday, one that has us rejoicing in the Lord who is coming in our midst.
The Gospel continues from last week with John the Baptist. John continues to be humble and keep the Lord front and center. We are told he came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. And he was clear he was not the light.
We live in a time of extended darkness due to the movements of the sun. I hear many decide not to drive at night for safety reasons. Many of decorate our homes with lights for the holidays to break through the darkness. Darkness is evident in the injustice we see right in our own communities, nation and the world. Sin prevails and John calls us out to free this separation from God.
We are called to reflect the light of Christ to the world. Where will we shine in these days leading up to Christmas?
Keep well and healthy with all you are doing.
Father RobĀ