Dear Friends,
What a pleasure and joy it is to share from my heart a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you! If you were able to attend one of our Christmas Masses, I hope you will join me in thanking all who made our worship so beautiful and meaningful. We welcomed Emmanuel with the Nativity Gospel from Luke, uplifting music, and joyful decorations.
Looking back on 2023, Saint Catherine of Siena and the Church of the Transfiguration have shared quite a robust year with each other.
Our Staffs have matured in working with one another to offer prayer, ministry and programs that enliven our two churches to be the best they can be led by the Holy Spirit! If you have been with us for a while I’m sure you sense this blessed growth. If you are someone who has recently joined our parish family, I hope you’ll grow with us as the Holy Spirit calls us to be all we are meant to be (Saint Catherine) and to believe it is good for us to be here (Matthew 17)!
Our Emmanuel leads us to promises that can never separate us from the unconditional love Jesus has for you and me. This really is the gift that never stops giving.
I pray you, your loved ones and all who encompass your lives will have a most joyful Christmas Season and blessed 2024!
If there is anything we can do for you, do not hesitate to call upon myself and any one on our Staff.
Let us celebrate these twelve days of Christmas with great faith in Him, our brother, Jesus Christ!
With faith and prayer,
Father Rob