Dear Friends,
I say again, Merry Christmas to all!
We are in the midst of celebrating the twelve days of Christmas. I pray you are finding each day in this sacred season a reason to rejoice and name a joy that’s before you. Each of you are a daily joy in my life and I thank the Lord Jesus for all you bring before me and our beloved faith communities.
Thank you for continuing to “Walk with us, in hope, peace, joy, love and Christ.” This was and is our Advent/Christmas/Epiphany theme. During the days of Advent and now Christmas days I am very appreciative for all of you who helped in so many ways to bless our parishes and sisters and brothers beyond our walls. The generosity that is always offered to those not as fortunate as ourselves is miraculous! Thank you to everyone who donated to brighten the Christmas of others! You are a reflection of Saint Nicholas looking out to bless the lives of others!
Thank you to all who prepared our sacred spaces in our churches for Advent/Christmas. If I say so myself, we are truly blessed with creating environments that proclaim the faith we profess and want to express in welcoming one another and our guests to worship.
Thank you to all our liturgical ministers for your gift of stewardship! Altar Servers, Musicians and Vocalists, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters, Ministers of Hospitality, Ushers, those who receive our Offertory Donations and those who are Gift Bearers, you are all a gifted presence to our worship!
Thank you to the wonderful Staff who I am blessed to be among! They are the best! Shauna, Bob, Kathy, Karen, Pam, Jeff, Meg, Ben, Sue, Anne, Dan, Margie, Katie, and Nancy, I cannot thank each of you enough for what faith, prayer, vitality and joy, each of you gifts not only me, but Saint Catherine of Siena and the Church of the Transfiguration!!!
And, thank you, my dear friends, for your gifts and greetings to me this season! I am humbled and ever so appreciative. You are in my heart, soul and prayers continuously! So, let us keep walking in hope, peace, joy, love, and with Christ, as we acknowledge these Twelve Days of Christmas and approach a New Year!
God Bless Us Everyone!
With Love and Faith,
Father Rob