Dear Friends,
We begin our new liturgical year with the Season of Advent! This season has always been one of my favorites. It invites us to reflect on being patient for the Lord’s Second Coming. It calls us to “stay awake” and be “prepared” for the Lord’s arrival.
Like so many of you, this time challenges me to keep in the spirit of what Advent offers and the One whose return we anticipate. There are many things we want to do, think we need to do and of course, have others inviting us to do!
We are building upon our parishes’ theme, “Strengthen the Vine” adding to it “by Welcoming Emmanuel.” Indeed, we are praying come Lord Jesus, our Emmanuel. I’d like to pray for one another that we take advantage of this beautiful season and make choices in our day to day living that will bring joy to our hearts and souls in preparation of Christmas Day.
Many opportunities are being offered from our two faith communities that aid in this sacred preparation. Hopefully, you received the mailing with the schedule of celebrations. If not, always check our two websites and the bulletin.
Today, Sunday, December 3rd, we have our joint parish musical ministries offering a phenomenal concert at 3 PM at Saint Catherine’s. Please give yourself the gift of wonderful music from our various talented and faith inspiring musicians and vocalists. This is a gift to give yourself!
This coming Monday, December 4th, we have our Penance Service at Saint Catherine of Siena at 7 PM. A service will be shared and then an opportunity for individual confession. Joining me will be Fathers Mike Fowler, Peter Clifford and Mike Bausch. It’s a beautiful way to begin our early days of Advent journey.
Prayer services will continue on the following Mondays alternating between our two faith communities. Sister Barbara Moore began her Advent Series entitled, “How Does Scripture Strengthen the Vine of Our Lives” on Saturday. Folks gathered in Saint Catherine’s Church at 10 AM. The remaining dates for the series are December 9, 16, and 23. All are welcome. Bring a friend or two!
December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation. Join us for mass either December 7th at 7 PM at Transfiguration or December 8th at 9 AM at Saint Catherine’s.
Before you know it we will be at the Fourth Sunday of Advent that turns later that same day into Christmas Eve!!! Talk about time going by and the call to be patient. Check the bulletin, websites and your mailing for mass times and locations.
OK, let’s take a deep breath, know what the season of Advent is meant to be, and be joyfully engaged in it!
Father Chuck Latus was Pastor at Saint Catherine’s when the “new” church was built. Father Latus has had some health challenges and we thought, like so many of you did in sending a well appreciated card to Jack Tvrdik, Father Chuck would enjoy one as well. Please call the office or check the bulletin for his address.
Thank you all for your support to our parishes, the Catholic Ministries Appeal and everything other good thing you are being asked to consider. You are the best and how blessed we are to have one another.
Happy Advent! Come dear Emmanuel!
Father Rob