Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

February 2, 2025

Dear Friends,

This weekend we commemorate the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. These sacred passages from the Gospel of Luke have always found a tender spot in my heart.

Mary and Joseph reveal they are not of great financial situation as they offer two doves instead of a lamb.  Despite their economical means, they are faithful to their Jewish roots and its customs.  They come to the temple to present their son in thanksgiving to God.

Mary and Joseph gather with the faithful and among this setting are two individuals named Simeon and Anna. Simeon, devout and faithful, believed he would see the promised Messiah before death.  In this moment of Mary, Joseph and Jesus entering his presence, he knows who is before him!  Imagine, Simeon’s faithfulness and understanding of God’s promises, are literally unfolding before his very eyes and heart.

He prays “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word.” These words are ones that my lips may echo as well when my time to depart approaches.

Anna, devout and faithful too, has been fervent in her presence in the temple. She, like Simeon, is blessed to see and acknowledge this precious life of Jesus is before her.  Her heart is full as are the hearts of Mary, Joseph and Jesus.

What about our hearts? How does Jesus touch you and me? Have we acknowledged in faith the promises of God to us and allowed ourselves to see them unfold before us?  This Holy Family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus, reminds us our lives are not limited to private worlds. We are to be like the Holy Family; good citizens, good neighbors and members of the faithful, bringing praise and thanks to God!

I do have a joy! I always have at least one, but I am so grateful to share that the CMA Goal for Saint Catherine’s has been met!!!

Thank you to every generous donor who supported Saint Catherine’s and the Diocese of Rochester and all that benefit from these graces of stewardship. This is the third year in a row that Saint Catherine’s has met its goal!  Again, I sincerely thank our donors and their support to me and the parish!

Transfiguration is almost there in making their goal. I hope I can share another joy soon, achieving 100% with the support of the donors who have already made a pledge and some new donors joining them.

God Bless all and have a great week,

Father Rob   



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