Dear Friends,
I begin in thanking Andrea Borelli and Patrick Ashley for bringing a 40th “Ruby” Anniversary together marking the theater group of the Schnacky Players!
God bless Andrea, Patrick and all the other thespians and behind the scenes workers who pulled off the production of “The Dastardly Doctor Devereaux”! And a grateful thank you to all who supported this talented group in so many ways! Your encouragement, financial support and attendance at all the performances is well noted and appreciated. I attended the last performance this past Saturday evening. My usual preference of theater seating is in “orchestra” but being mindful of my own health and thinking of the well being of those I am called to visit pastorally, I sat with Joan Keyser wearing our masks on a pew in the back of the hall. I must say I appreciated my seating, the company of Joan and a fine performance.
As some of you may know, I stepped aside of being in the performance because of my pastoral responsibilities.
Maybe next year, with the 41st performance I may be invited back. “Deputy, Deputy” where are you?
Lent. It is right before us. Ash Wednesday is March 2nd.
Our wonderful Parish Staffs and liturgical ministries have established a fruitful theme for us to contemplate in the next several weeks of Lent. The theme for our parishes is “WE WALK ON HOLY GROUND”.
We are blessed to have many offerings that will give us many opportunities for spiritual growth in these next several weeks.
Let me share a few of them.
On Monday evenings we will have Evening Prayer at the Church of the Transfiguration. We will gather for Eucharistic Adoration and prayer at 7 PM.
One of our favorite presenters, Dr. Joseph Kelly, will lead us in a Lenten Retreat March 21st – 23rd. Please check the locations and time for his spiritual wisdom.
Dr. Sr. Barbara Moore will return with pearls of wisdom at Saint Catherine of Siena on Saturday mornings at 10 AM. March 12, 19, 26 and April 2. She will enrich us with deeper understanding of the Lenten sacred texts.
Have you watched “The Chosen”? It is a hot and popular series that is about the life of Jesus. On March 2, 9, 16, 30, April 6 and 13 folks will gather at the upper Ed Center at Transfiguration to view this popular presentation.
Shadow Stations will be offered again this Lent. Last year, the “Shadow Stations” were widely received not only in our faith communities but in our Diocese of Rochester. If you were fortunate enough to attend, you know the powerful impact this prayer offered. We invite you to return or come for the first time to view these “Shadow Stations”during Holy Week beginning Palm Sunday. Come to Saint Catherine of Siena’s Parish Hall for this blessing. Times are Palm Sunday Noon – 8 PM; Monday through Wednesday 3 PM – 8 PM, Holy Thursday 3 PM -10 PM and Good Friday 2 PM – 8 pm. You may always call our Parish Offices with any questions.
With faith and hope,
Father Rob