Dear Friends,
The past several days have been filled for me with reminders of my faith and belief in the promises of eternal life.
Thank you to all of you who reached out to me on the death of Bishop Clark. I am grateful for your remembrances of him and your kind sympathy. His services on Sunday and Monday were a testimony to all of us who served alongside him and loved him. I am confident that this shepherd is resting in the love and peace of our Eternal Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
The days of late have also brought before myself and many of you the deaths of so many other loved ones. We celebrated the funerals of Dick Powers, Susie Merkle and Carol Stehn.
The good Lord also brought before us the unexpected death of Helen Melville. Helen is one of the Lord’s most sweet disciples. Helen and my mother went to school together and she quickly told me this titbit as soon as I arrived at Saint Catherine of Siena. Helen, her husband Art, mom and dad were all what we refer to as “19th Ward” people. Saint Monica’s was their parish, as well as many other folks, who belong to our faith communities.
And Kathy Piper also went home to the Lord. Kathy was a shining light before so many, especially her husband, Travis. Both Travis and Kathy, without full understanding, became the originators of the Msgr. Schnacky Players. The history is now in its 41st year! Kathy had a smile and voice of love that would welcome and capture anyone into her presence. I experienced it personally. Talking with her husband, Travis shared that when he got the call of her death and went with family to visit her one more time, she looked so peaceful. Kathy, like my mom, carried the cross of Alzheimer’s. Travis said when he visited Kathy after death, she looked so peaceful. That was my experience of visiting mom on her way to eternity. Travis and I were and are grateful that our beloved met their peace.
We have so many stories about our beloved and are we not grateful we can recall them? I am honored to walk with you and family, friends and new acquaintances in this sacred time of our journey. Our faith makes me so confident in understanding, “life has changed, not ended.” Bless all our sisters and brothers in paradise!
“I Am With You Always” is the theme of our 2022/2023 Thanks giving Appeal. Since this appeal began last fall, I have been so appreciative of everyone who has responded to our parishes commitment. We have a total of 521 stewards/donors at this moment who have pledged a donation to help our faith communities reach its goal. 217 Donors from Saint Catherine’s and 304 Donors from Transfiguration have blessed us with their generous responses. I cannot thank all of you enough.
It is a moment fresh in our New Year and responses always seem to slow down. But what we receive from the Lord, our Diocese and our parishes, never slows down. Your parish staffs and diocese continue to serve you with so much energy, faith and enthusiasm to keep the Lord’s message before us.
I continually thank the Lord for all who have joined me in a pledge for both of my parishes. And, may I humbly ask my sisters and brothers who have not made a pledge as of today, would you prayerfully, join me and your parish family in supporting this endeavor? Every gift/ pledge is appreciated and gratefully received.
It is February! Who would have imagined?
God Bless You,
Father Rob