Dear Friends,
Last weekend was delightful having Deacon Kevin Carges back breaking open the scriptures after two months off. It is a compliment to him on how many people have asked about him and have missed his presence.
I know Kevin told us he identifies with the prophet Jeremiah because Jeremiah was hesitant to preach and bear God’s life before others. Well I say Kevin is following in good sandals and we are blessed he said yes to the Lord. Jeremiah served the Lord for forty years and I want to hold Kevin to the same.
We are blessed with three wonderful men who serve as Deacons in our faith communities. Eris Bessette, Kevin Carges and Jim Carra all share their God given talents and gifts with us and we are the better for them.
God bless their ministries and may they continue to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit!
As I write this column I have already been blessed to gather with one ministry to discuss a theme from the Synod. The Arts & Environment Ministry from Saint Catherine of Siena gathered on January 29th to discuss “Celebrating”. It was enriching to hear and listen to one another reflecting on journeying together based on prayer, and a communal listening to the Word of God and the celebration of the Eucharist.
Pope Francis has invited the church throughout the world to come together to share, discuss and listen to one another over ten themes. He wants every voice to have an opportunity to help the church to walk together instead of one that follows a select few.
You have many opportunities to be a voice on this journey of LISTENING SESSIONS. Beginning this very weekend after the 10:45 AM mass at Saint Catherine’s two themes will be presented. Within an hour time frame the discussion will be on the themes “Speaking Out” and “Celebrating”. Everyone is welcomed to be part of the journey. The following weekend on February 12th, after the 4:00 PM mass at Transfiguration you are invited to discuss the themes “The Journeying Companions” and “Listening”. On Sunday (February 13th) after the 8:45 AM mass the themes offered will be “Celebrating” and “Speaking Out”. We will gather the weekend of February 19th and 20th at Transfiguration as well. On the 19th after the 4:00 PM mass the themes will be “Co-Responsible In The Mission” and “Discerning and Deciding”. The next day after the 8:45 AM mass “Forming Ourselves in Synodality” and “Authority and Participation” will be the themes explored. And on the last weekend of the month, February 27th, we will gather after Saint Catherine’s 10:45 mass to look at the themes of “Co-Responsible In The Mission” and “Discerning and Deciding”. As you may have noted there are double headers for these two themes between both parishes. I hope you will attend one or even a couple sessions and be a voice for our future church. It is an exciting opportunity.
Our Parish Pastoral Councils, Finance Ministries and other various ministries will explore themes as well. If you are part of a ministry you will hear more details from your chair person.
Also, a reminder, you can be part of the Synod all on your own too! Perhaps gather as a family, with friends, neighbors, anyone at all and go to Saint Catherine of Siena’s website or the Diocese of Rochester website and participate. Everything needed is posted on both websites and they are user friendly. All are welcome and there is no requirement that you have to be Roman Catholic to participate and have your voice included.
Together let’s pray for our Synodal Church!
Finally, next weekend is the Superbowl! Cincinnati Bengals and Los Angeles Rams will be competing against one another. Let’s hope it may be as exciting a game, though disappointing for many of us, as it was on Sunday January 23rd when the Buffalo Bills played the Kansas City Chiefs. Good luck to both teams!
Chicken Wings anyone?
Keep healthy and safe!
Blessings to all,
Father Rob