Dear Friends,
As many of you know, I really appreciate the beauty of the Advent/Christmas and now Epiphany Season. Four weeks of Advent (not quite full four weeks this year) never seems long enough to me versus the six weeks of Lent. Christmas begins celebrating the Incarnation of our dear Lord and follows with eleven more days to celebrate and acknowledge this great gift that has been bestowed upon all humanity.
This weekend we mark the Baptism of the Lord!
This year I received a wonderful book entitled “The Little Book of the Nativity” from friends. It is beautiful with great artwork and historical and theological writings about this miracle we celebrate. Many things are about the “Epiphany” and I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have been reading.
During Advent, Deacon Eric said he didn’t like change. I think and believe I am usually open to change. If I have to shake up my routine, my way of thinking that I am set in a particular way, I need to be open to the Holy Spirit, maybe even a visitation from an angel, to listen where God is calling me to go forward now, today, in a new blessed year.
Not always easy or perhaps comfortable, but always life giving. Zechariah and Elizabeth did it. Mary did it. Joseph did it. John the Baptist did it. Jesus did it! Didn’t He say, “Not my will, but Your will be done.”?
Manifestations! Christmas! Epiphany! Baptism of the Lord! Going in new and different directions guided by the Holy Spirit. What are you thinking reading these humble words of mine? Are you are being called to go on a different path, route or direction today?
I’m contemplating where this present moment is asking me to go and bear ongoing Good News.
How fortunate I am, and I am very happy to be among all of you in these blessed faith communities of faith! May we travel together bearing gifts of hope, joy, love, peace, reconciliation and our very selves to our world!
Blessings to all,
Father Rob