Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

July 10, 2022

Dear Friends,
We are now a little more than half way through 2022!

As our time marches forward I pray that we will have some wonderful summer days to replenish our spirits and to be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape we behold.

I think last weekend's Gospel and this weekend's Gospel give us some good food for continuing reflection in these summer days. Luke spoke about Jesus asking the disciples to bring peace to the places they visited. I mentioned in my homily that it is good for us to think about how we enter various spaces and what peace do we bring to it? And when we allow others to enter our space, do we allow them to offer their peace?

he space is not only our physical homes, but situations where some have no home, people who have no country of origin, folks who battle addictions, the ongoing tragedies of Buffalo, Ulvede, Ukraine, San Antonio and so many other areas in our own nation. Our God given gift of the creation in our world, how do we treasure this blessing and respectfully care for it? Is our stewardship bringing peace to the earth? What are our interactions with this charge from Jesus to be disciples bearing peace?

This week Jesus is questioned on what we must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus puts the question right back on the inquirer. The person responds, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said this was the correct answer. In the end it is all about loving God and others.

So, we all desire a good and blessed life. These past two weeks passages from the tenth chapter of Luke provide all that is necessary for living a good life of discipleship. Reflecting on these scriptures, how are you doing? May we continue to pray and reflect upon them in these summer days.

ALERT!!! I have been scammed many, many times with false emails sent to folks. Last week several parishioners from Transfiguration have now joined the unfortunate solicitations. Please know I have only ONE email address, fr.rob. bourcy@dor.org. I have no others. AND, if I ever need any help, I will personally contact you and never through email.

You are in my joys and blessings today and always. Thank you for support and prayer.
Enjoy summer graces!
In His peace and love,
Father Rob


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