Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

July 2, 2023

Dear Friends,

July has arrived and so many good things are before us to celebrate!

I have been blessed to join several high school graduates for their celebrations! This special itme in their lives brings back many fond memories of my own high school days and our graduation. My senior year had Color My World (Chicago) as our Senior Prom Theme and Teach Your Children (Crosby, SƟll, Nash & Young) as our graduation ceremony recessional. Oh, the great year of 1973!

I am still blessed to gather with some close friends from Churchville-Chili (Home of the Saints). There are some bonds we make in life that are gifts and treasures throughout our lives.

On a side note, Churchville-Chili Saint and Alumni, Renee Fleming, is one of this years Kennedy Center Honorees!! Renee will be here in the fall with a concert at the RPO! I have my pticket and look forward to being in her presence once again!

This Tuesday is the birthday of our nation. So much is before us to recall, celebrate and pray for the goodness of our nation, its people and what we are called to be and share not only for ourselves, but for our world.

I would like to offer this prayer I came across for us this Fourth of July.

Glorious Lord on this day, we celebrate our nation’s birth and the symbol of freedom it represents to many. We acknowledge that you have been the author of this nation and that it is your great faithfulness that has brought us this far. We continue to trust that your hand will guide her into her purpose and destiny. Right now, we take this time to thank you for the many blessings and freedoms we have been given:

  • We thank you for the freedom we have to worship you and share the Gospel without fear of death.
  • We thank you for the opportunity to work, study, and play.
  • We thank you for food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over our heads.
  • We thank you for all those who have sacrificed their lives on the battlefield to secure the freedoms and blessings we now enjoy.
  • We thank you for teachers who tirelessly work to educate the next generation of our nations’ citizens and leaders.
  • We thank you for friendships that enrich our lives and for families and loved ones who love us unconditionally.
  • Most of all, we thank you for freedom from sin and for the grace and power to live for you.

As we celebrate this Fourth of July, however, we continue to remember the millions of people in our nation, and around the world, who are suffering from neglect, poverty, violence, war, and lack of the rightful dignity of life. You care for them always, and this Fourth of July, may we never forget to continue to think of, pray for, and love them as ourselves.

In Jesus’ Glorious Name We Pray, AMEN.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone and I hope to see you in church over these summer weekends!

Father Rob


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