Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

July 7, 2024

Dear Friends,

Two weeks ago we witnessed the disciples being in awe and amazement when Jesus stilled the winds and calmed the sea.  This weekend it is Jesus who is amazed.  Jesus is amazed at the reaction he receives after preaching in the temple.

The listeners exclaim, “Where did he get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands? Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?”  Jesus tells us that in his own “native place” and “house” few miracles if any, will be performed because of their lack of faith.

In our first reading, Ezekiel meets resistance when he proclaims the works of the Lord. Ezekiel struggles in getting the message out but he picks himself up and relies on the Spirit of God to continue in his mission.  Like Jesus, like Ezekiel, we too might find resistance in sharing our faith in being part of the mission of the church.  I know too well by experience and perhaps you can identify with me, it is not always easy to share our faith. Some people are not ready to hear us. Yet, like Jesus, like Ezekiel and many of our predecessors in faith, we are called to allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with gifts, blessings and graces so as to continue sharing the Good News we know.

Where have you been met with resistance in sharing your faith? Do you pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in ways that continuing to share and witness to your faith may be welcomed? It is not always an easy path. Many times, it is among our very “own”, like Jesus, it is hardest to be that disciple we are called to responsibly be. How often I hear from you about your own family members you wish to share your faith and have them join you in practicing it.  Today, if this is your experience, pray on it and let us be receptive where the Lord invites us best to get his Good News out. May we persevere with faith trusting in what the Lord will provide.

We have good men in our faith communities. Two upcoming moments are before us that I would like to call to your attention.  On July 20th and 21st, Rob Kozaritis and Ben Cutter will share an announcement about the upcoming mission to Booneville, Kentucky.  A rich history that began with the men of Transfiguration doing the Lord’s work continues this year with a warm welcome to the men of Saint Catherine’s to join them.  I pray that all our able men of both Saint Catherine’s and Transfiguration may be open to what Rob and Ben will share.

And, as I have mentioned before, we have a Men’s Retreat tailored for our two parishes coming up at Notre Dame Retreat House August 9th and 10th. Father Ed Palumbos will be our Director. It will reflect on the power and importance of the Eucharist in our lives.    I hope you check out the details in the bulletin, make a reservation, and join me for this prayerful opportunity.

Savor the July summer days!

Blessings to all,

Father Rob    



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