Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

June 18, 2023

Dear Friends,

Our weekends have returned to “Ordinary Time” until we begin the Season of Advent.

There is nothing ever ordinary about our Sacred Texts and the power within the Word of the Lord. oday the evangelist Matthew has Jesus proclaiming “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

We are blessed with dedicated priests who have given much to the Diocese of Rochester through their priestly ministry. Recently, I was fortunate enough to be in the company of two of these dedicated men on separate occasions. Many of you know these individuals. I’ve included a photo of them.

Rev. Msgr. Gerard C. Krieg has been ordained for 70 years! I have known Msgr. for many years through mutual friends and of course sharing moments of ministry alongside this great man. He has blessed thousands of lives with his prayerfulness, spirituality and wisdom. I am so honored to know this gentleman, a beautiful shepherd of the Lord. Msgr. Krieg resides at the Sisters of Saint Joseph Motherhouse.

Another true shepherd of the Lord, I have admired for years since first meeting him, is Rev. F. James Lawlor. Jim was my predecessor at Saint Catherine of Siena. He left a beautiful impact on this faith community as he has on all his pastoral assignments. His gentle spirit evokes the compassionate Jesus with his sensitivity towards all our sisters and brothers. I am still honored to have followed in his footsteps.  Jim has just celebrated his 60th year of ordination!

Our Diocese of Rochester has been so fortunate to have these two brothers of Jesus generously serving the people of God. And they continue serve with their priestly ministry!

The words of Jesus today ring as true as they did when He first spoke them. We have an abundant harvest set before us and we certainly could use more “laborers” in the vineyard.

As long as I can remember our Diocese has been enriched by many faithful bishops, priests, religious women and men, and a laity that is so gifted in sharing their gifts with all of us. Perhaps today would be a good time to think of those individuals who have made a positive impact on your life. May we say a prayer for them and that joyful and generous others will come forth to help Jesus in the vineyard.

In gratitude for all who serve with love and faith!

God Bless them and all of us,
Father Rob


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