Dear Friends,
We are in our pilgrimage this Fourth Sunday of Lent approaching alongside the Lord as He addresses Nicodemus. I would like to quote a piece I read on this Gospel presented to us this day.
“Today’s well-known gospel is set in the darkness of night. Nicodemus, a Jewish leader and Pharisee, visits Jesus after the sun goes down to avoid being seen with the man who makes religious leaders of the day tremble. Professing belief in Jesus brings real consequences. We may be judged or dismissed by others. Perhaps even more difficult, we may have our own sinfulness exposed as we strive to live in the light of Christ.”
Lent is a season of transition as we journey with Jesus from the darkness of death to the Easter light of new life. Consider spending some time this week intentionally reflecting on your sins. Ask God’s healing mercy through the sacrament of reconciliation (Saturday’s at 3 PM at Transfiguration or by personal appointment. Reconciliation Service with individual confessions offered Monday, March 25th, at 7 PM at the Church of the Transfiguration) or in the quiet of your prayer time (Tomb Time).
Two questions we might ponder, how do we experience God’s enduring love and what is the time you and I have felt God’s presence through a dark time?
Our Holy Week is quickly arriving. Easter Sunday is three weeks away. May these remaining days of Lent find us “Growing the Branches Seeking Jesus”!
Joys continue to be among us during Lent! Last weekend I shared how our two wonderful parishes made their CMA goals with the blessing of 519 Donors! God bless them! Both campaigns became completed with an anonymous donor from each parish making another pledge to the one they already had made and finishing up the path to achieving 100%!!! God bless them!!! Again, I am deeply grateful and appreciative to each and every person who participated in making a pledge and supporting our parishes.
Another joy this weekend is our Global Solidarity Mission has had an anonymous donor challenging us to match their $12,000 gift in raising monies for the people of El Salvador. God bless this generosity and these stewards!
And, the success of the Msgr. Schnacky Players and this year’s play, “Lumberjacks and Wedding Belles” has raised over $10,000 for Saint Catherine’s Parish! Thank you to each and every person who contributed in this year’s production! God bless you!
Well, my friends, God bless you too and have a good week,
Father Rob