Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

March 17, 2024

Dear Friends,

Last weekend in my homily I stated that prayer, fasting and charity (almsgiving) gives us time to make room for the Lord in our lives. Clarity of practicing these charisms makes us ready to live in the light of God.

Throughout this season of Lent our sacred texts, the scriptures, have encouraged us to “listen” to Jesus. We have been challenged also to make “tomb time” by spending dedicated time apart with he Lord to nurture our spiritual lives. Well, this weekend we are all invited to make time, to come together in prayer to listen to the Lord in our midst and prepare what lies ahead for all believers, the light and joy of Easter.

My dear friend, of many decades, Father Simeon Gallagher, will be with us to preach at all our weekend masses and lead us Monday through Thursday on a Lenten Retreat. Many of you have known Father Gallagher through the years as he has led retreats  at Saint Catherine of Siena, the Church of the Transfiguration, and throughout the Dioceses of Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo. Father Gallagher has traveled extensively throughout the United States, its territories and the world preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Each day there will be a significant message addressing the retreats theme, “Becoming a New Human Person: Christ’s Gift of Freedom.” Monday will be “The Unfulfilled Desire for Happiness”, Tuesday, “The Face of God Whom We Adore”, Wednesday, “We Are Always Being Created”, and Thursday, “The New Human Person.” I hope you will join me and our Staff in making time to join us for the entire retreat or as many opportunities you can make room in your schedules.

Father Gallagher will celebrate morning mass at 9 AM with an amended message following mass. Monday and Wednesday, we will gather at Transfiguration. Tuesday and Thursday, we will be at Saint Catherine’s. In the evenings, we will gather at 7 PM, for prayer and Father Gallagher’s full conference addressing the daily themes. Monday and Wednesday, we will be at Transfiguration and Tuesday and Thursday at Saint Catherine’s. Thursday, after the conference, we will have a light reception in Legacy Hall. Please make room for this special time that will bring you and me before our Holy Week the following weekend. Keep this week’s bulletin for reminders of the times, locations and themes. The conferences are also on our two parishes websites.

The Lord is calling each of us with His love trying to enter our hearts. Acceptance of this gift draws us deeper into our faith, again and again!

This week we also acknowledge two Saints! Sunday is  Saint Patrick’s Day and Tuesday is Saint Joseph’s Day! May we call on each of them for their intercessory prayers that we may be faithful to God as they were. See you as we come together to welcome Father Simeon Gallagher!!!

Father Rob


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