Dear Friends,
Forty years ago on November 11th, I was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Matthew Clark.
It was an evening that will be forever in my mind and heart. There was a bit of snow outdoors but it had no effect on the church filled with family, friends and the Holy Spirit! The church was Saint John of Rochester where I was doing my Deacon Internship.
The theme of my ordination was from Psalm 139: 9-10. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall guide me, and your right hand hold me fast. To this very day I feel the hand of the Lord upon me and my vocation to the priesthood.
I have been blessed to have had wonderful parishes in my life. Growing up at Holy Ghost in Coldwater, N.Y. nurtured my childhood through my college years. Summer internships at Beverly Hospital and Saint Mary Star of the Sea in Beverly Massachusetts created a “second family” whom I have loved for decades. As I mentioned above, I did my Deacon Internship at Saint John of Rochester and have been gifted with so many dear friends/family who are with me still.
I also served at Immaculate Conception in Ithaca, Saint John the Evangelist in Greece and Saint Patrick’s in Macedon. All three of these faith communities gifted me with wonderful sisters and brothers who enriched my ministry and priesthood. And I continue to be enriched in ministry and priesthood with two fabulous parishes, Saint Catherine of Siena and the Church of the Transfiguration! The people of these faith communities have blessed me in so, so many ways! I cannot thank the Lord enough for the honor and privilege to be with them in prayer, service, and friendship.
I have much to be grateful for, beginning with my parents, Paul and Betsy. Both are now with the Lord and I know are very happy for me and the path I have chosen in life. Family and friends are treasures to me constantly. Each in their own
way have supported me through all these years with their love. I pray that I have been as supportive and loving to them.
Thank you to all who may be reading this note. You bless me and keep me growing in the ways of our Gospel! God bless you today and I pray we will continue to be together for many more years on the path of salvation and Jerusalem our destiny!
With faith and love,
Father Rob