Dear Friends,
Like so many of you I have been rejoicing in what is one of the most beautiful fall seasons I can
remember! The colors, sunshine and beauty of where we live is outstanding! What a joy to share in this
marvelous creation our Creator has bestowed upon us!
THANK YOU to every person who supported Karen Luke in her “NIGHT WITHOUT A BED” to raise awareness of the homeless
in the greater Rochester area! Karen was the number one person (along with other faithful sleepers in their cars) to
raise over $1200 for Family Promise!!! We are so blessed continuously with the generosity and leadership of our fabulous
Parish Staffs and dedicated parishioners who support so many calls to address the issues of social justice and needs in our
communities. God Bless Karen and every soul who participated in one way or another to this great cause!
November is a beautiful month to recall two wonderful Holy Days. November 1st is designated as a “Holy” Day where we
celebrate All Saints. It is a day of festival to remember our favorite saints and also learn about other saints we may not be
as familiar with in our prayer. We recall their lives and pray that we may follow them in their dedication and perseverance
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. November 2nd is the celebration of All Souls. It is a day set apart to remember all the faithful
who have journeyed with Jesus in the fullness of their baptism.
It is a special day where I recall so many who have “died with Christ” and now “rise with Him” in the promises of eternal
life. I remember with comfort the words from one of the Prefaces of our Funeral masses, “ Lord for your faithful people,
life has changed, not ended.” I also find strength in my faith and comfort in the words from the Nicene Creed, “I/We look
forward to the resurrection of the dead.” And, I do because I believe like Martha, who had the courage to question her dear
friend Jesus, “If you had been here…” and then knew in her heart and relationship with Him, “I know he will rise…”
This month, as I celebrate funerals of parishioners and friends, as I lovingly think of my mom and dad, relatives, dear friends
who are “my family” and think of those who suffer an end to life in ways no one deserves, I, like Martha, bring my prayer as
so many of you do your thoughts, “Lord, if you had been here…”. It is in my belief that indeed I do hold my conviction and
baptismal life, that they have risen with Him in eternal life.
Eternal rest grant upon all our beloved and the children of our Creator,
Blessings and love,
Father Rob