Dear Friends,
Please join me in welcoming Father Francis Muriithi for our masses this weekend. Father Francis is visiting us representing the Propagation of the Faith for the Diocese of Rochester. His presence and words will remind each of us of our role to be actively engaged in the MISSION CHURCH living Christ’s command to TEACH…to COMFORT …and to LOVE!
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Propagation of the Faith. Fish Bowls will be at the doors of Saint Catherine’s and a Second Collection will be taken up at Transfiguration. If you write a check, PLEASE write it out to either Saint Catherine of Siena Church or the Church of the Transfiguration with “MISSION” written in the Memo section of your check.
After all donations are received the parishes will write a single check to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Thank you to everyone for your consideration and generous stewardship to support this vital society.
We have Father Francis visiting us and this coming Wednesday, October 4th, we will celebrate Saint Francis Day with the Blessing of Animals. The Feast of Saint Francis occurs October 4th every year. It commemorates the life of Saint Francis, who was born in the 12th century and is the patron saint of animals.
We will honor and celebrate Saint Francis by offering a simple service in which our pets will be blessed and prayed for. Every day is a good day to give thanks to God for His wonderful works, but the Feast of Saint Francis provides an opportunity to give thanks for the animals that enrich our lives. Please join us October 4th at 5:30 PM in the Saint Catherine’s Parking Lot for this blessing. If you and your pet cannot join us, perhaps you can offer the following prayer and blessing at home.
Blessing for a Beloved Pet
Blessed are you, Lord God,
who made every living thing with which the water
and every winged bird,
the livestock,
the creatures that move along the ground,
and the wild animals,
and called it all “good.”
Thank you for my pet,
for its life that comes from you,
and for the love and joy it brings.
Please bless this creature
and let our loving care for him/her be a reflection of
your loving nature.
We praise you for all your beauty in creation, and
especially for this expression of your love.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your
AMEN. (Composed by Bob Hosteler)
Welcome to the Season of Fall and have a blessed week,
Father Rob