Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Browsing Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

October 10, 2021

Dear Friends,
I’m overwhelmed in a good way just thinking how my life is blessed and moving along at such a quick pace.
You may be feeling the same momentum as myself.
Last week Father Mike Bausch resurrected from some well deserved retirement time away. He and I will be alternating our weekend masses. My goal is that our presences will serve well both communities of Saint Catherine of Siena and the Church of the Transfiguration. Please, call, connect and speak to me at any time where I can be present to you and what is pertinent on your mind. I am certainly grateful to Mike and all of you who have been so wonderful to me during this clustering! Know, please know, everyday I thank the Lord for you and our lives together.
As I mentioned in my homily last weekend this month of October is Respect Life Month. Humbly, several individuals commented on my words and particularly my references to our local situation of racism in Pittsford. And, let’s be honest, it is not just in Pittsford. It is in our communities, homes, families and so many other areas that I’m ashamed to admit. We need to address respect for everyone and call out there is no tolerance for racial comments, actions and any other provocations that deter from the dignity of all God’s children. We are followers of Jesus Christ. There is no excuse for any faithful disciple of His not to be fully loving and respectful of every human being, brother and sister of ours. Yes, it can be tough in certain situations, but, He, the model of all love, showed the way to address love, compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation. Can we do no less? Tell Him to His face and prayer if you know better than Him.
“Forward in Faith” is our 2012 - 2022 Catholic Ministries Appeal. My understanding is that the Diocese of Rochester was reaching out to all the faithful who are registered in our parishes this past week with an appeal letter. I, like all of you, who are actively, engaged members of our faith community, are asked to participate. This year will certainly be new for me as I am a member now of two faith communities. My discernment will be exploring my own stewardship, financial resources and prayer of what I can do for both parishes.
I ask you to join me in prayerful reflection and with me make a pledge to this years Catholic Ministry Appeal. Please check out our websites and the CMA video to address this important part of our diocesan commitment/responsibility. May I humbly share of my spiritual journey in stewardship was to always reflect where I can tithe. What will I willingly give to my particular faith community, to the Catholic Ministries Appeal and charities that are close to my heart? Of my financial life, what could I generously offer back to the Lord for all I have received? There is a guidance of 10% back to the Lord. We are all in different circumstances. Some have more they could give, some less. The Lord knows and so do we. The Lord will always provide. Right?
Finally, I will be off this Sunday after the 8:45 AM Mass for the Boston Marathon. This will be the 125th Marathon! I have volunteered for decades. It has always been an awesome gift to be present as a volunteer for this prestigious event. Usually, the Boston Marathon is the third Monday of April, Patriots Day, but due to Covid we will have it this coming Monday. For those of you who do not know, yes, look at me, a runner? But just know I cross the finish line every time! (Leo, eat your heart out!!!) I am a volunteer of security at the finish line. Yes, I was there in that fateful tragedy and will always remember the lives lost, the wounded and my good friends from our front line security who responded immediately. Please pray for us and the well being of all the participants this year. BOSTON will always keep strong!
Keep well my friends and know you’re close in my heart and soul.
Till I see you next,
Father Rob



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