Dear Friends,
I want to thank everyone who has taken a few moments to participate our Census. It’s simple and direct in helping us to have your latest emails and appropriate phone number (s). If you haven’t completed the Census as of today, please do so that we may have current up to date information.
You are still able to participate by filling out a census card which is available in our parish churches and offices. Secondly, you can use the QR Code in the bulletin to complete the census, or the link on the homepage of this website. And thirdly, you can respond, as I did, to the email message sent to every registered parishioner whose current email we have on file. Thank you for updating our parishes!
As you know, “Extending Christ’s Mission” is our 2024 – 2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal theme. This important appeal does so much for the good of our parishes and diocese. It serves people in need through Catholic Charities, provides diocesan-wide services to our parishes and institutions, educates our youth in Catholic Faith, supports our Seminarians, Deacons and Pastoral Leaders, funds operations and support services, and ministries of Pope Francis and Bishop Matano.
The CMA is the lifeblood that nourishes our ministries and helps us share our faith with others. Indeed, this year’s theme, “Extending Christ’s Mission” is very appropriate. Please join me in making your pledge to support Saint Catherine of Siena or the Church of the Transfiguration so that we accomplish our goal. Last year because of the generous support our parishes each parish reached their goal. May we prayerfully be blessed again in making our goals! If you have any questions, please talk to myself or any member of our Parish Staffs.
Always know I appreciate the support you offer as faithful stewards to our faith communities and beyond.
You are in my prayers of heart and gratitude!
Blessings to all,
Father Rob