Dear Friends,
On October 23, 1954 Elizabeth Jane Beebe married Paul Cornelius Bourcy at the church of Saint Monica’s on Genesee Street in Rochester, New York. They happen to be my parents.
This weekend, on the same date as the anniversary of my parent’s marriage, sixty seven years later, Elisabeth Clancy and John Zielinski will be married in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. I am honored to be able to preside at this wonderful occasion.
Every year, I hold my parent’s wedding album, open it up and look over the photographs. My parents had a beautiful autumn day for their wedding.
Their life had its ups and downs, just as many of us experience ourselves. Yet, I open the album of photographs and see what the years have unfolded and know blessings and graces that have emerged.
I look back on my growing up and can see and now understand, that my parents had many struggles and tucked in joys that made the sacrament of marriage a reality of “for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death parted them.” One of the most blessed testimonies that I realized in my parent’s marriage vows was when my mother had Alzheimer's and my father was so attentive to her. Dad was a 24 /7 person. It was in these trying times of our lives that my father was attentive to my mom. I was in awe of my father and saw him In ways I never experienced before.
So, to all of those I have been blessed to witness your marriages, God Bless You, and keep with me in faith and belief,
Father Rob