Dear Friends,
What a wonderful beginning to our fall season. The days have been refreshing and spirits among those I have been among seem very happy!
Well, in the life of our faith communities and Diocese we come once again to our Catholic Ministries Appeal. This year the Diocesan theme for the appeal is “Forward in Faith”.
It certainly can be a timely theme as we are still moving forward in the COVID Pandemic and current moments of addressing how we will care for our personal health and the well being of all our sisters and brothers.
Indeed, we are going “Forward in Faith”!!!
Last week parishioners mentioned to me how wonderful it is to see people returning to church and people who are coming to us as new members! We have also been applauded for attentiveness to the health and well being of those coming through our church doors. Thank you to everyone attending and being attentive to the safety of those desiring to worship with us at our liturgies.
Isn’t that GOOD NEWS?!!!!
With all that is still occurring with the Covid, I and your Parish Staffs have heard overwhelming positive affirmations for the preventive care we want for one another. I thank you for respecting the health and well being of all our sisters and brothers.
So, “Forward in Faith”!
Our Catholic Ministries Appeal is encouraging us again to be supportive to the valuable ministries offered to our entire Diocese. Every registered parishioner should have received a letter addressing this CMA request sometime in late September. I hope you will read this letter and prayerfully respond with a gift to help our parish reach its financial obligation for the CMA 2021 – 2022.
As you may know, any deficit from our parish obligation will come from our savings. Many of you, faithful stewards of our parish have assisted us yearly in this appeal. I cannot thank you personally enough for your stewardship! God Bless You!
Our parish of Transfiguration is asked to pledge $205.642 for this years CMA. Yes, our request has gone up from last year. Please let me tell you how the amount is requested from the Diocese of Rochester. Parish Goals are based on” 2019 Mass Attendance, 2020 Collections and 2020 Households. For the Income Factor the DOR used the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) from the U.S. Census Bureau. The Income Factor has always been based on the household zip codes, however the methodology employed by the U. S. Census Bureau has been refined.’
My friends, I know we are all asked to support many worthwhile causes. Our parish, I pray, is one worthwhile cause in your prayerful stewardship and I hope in that prayer you will also support The Church of the Transfiguration in this years CMA Appeal. Know, I make my contribution along with yours. Thank you for your goodness and if I can address any concerns/questions, please call upon me.
With so many blessings around us all, join me in prayer as we go “Forward in Faith”.
With faith,
Father Rob