Dear Friends,
It seems just like yesterday (actually it was last Saturday morning) our men went off to Booneville, Kentucky. This weekend they return and I am anxious to hear how the Holy Spirit guided and blessed their week. From the stories I have heard from past years, I am sure these generous stewards will have experienced many grace filled moments serving their sisters and brothers in Booneville. Gentlemen, Welcome Back and God Bless You for your discipleship!
On October 5th, there will be a dinner at Saint Catherine of Siena to acknowledge the good works Keeping Our Promise provides to offer comprehensive resettlement assistance to endangered wartime allies who served United States interests in conflict and war. Keeping Our Promise has had blessed success. Since 2014 they have assisted over 500 allies who now call Rochester home. They offer Special Immigrant Visa advocacy that is life-saving. KOP has gifted 70 cars in their Wheels for Work Car Grant. $32,000 has been paid in rent and security deposits since 2020.
The cost for the tickets is $60. This donation will include a dinner provided by the Keeping Our Promise organization and help continue the wonderful services KOP offers to our allies. We will have the opportunity at dinner to “break bread” and meet allies who have done so much to support our own nation and its military personal. I hope you will join me for this special opportunity. ickets are available after the weekend masses at Saint Catherine’s. You may also stop by the parish office at Saint Catherine’s or call to reserve your ticket(s).
Last Saturday coming home after celebrating mass for our Kentucky men I noticed this advertisement for the upcoming eclipse next year on April 8th. The eclipse is getting allot of attention. I have heard hotel rooms are filling up quickly and that we should prepare ourselves for special viewing glasses for the big event. The eclipse may seem far off, but like everything, it will be here before we know it!
Thank you everyone for all your goodness to support our faith communities in so many ways and for “Strengthening the Vine”!
Father Rob