Dear Friends,
“BECOME…FOREVER CHANGED” is the theme of our two faith communities as we move forward together these six weeks of Lent. This past Wednesday, we began the journey towards Jerusalem and the promise of another experience of Easter! We are blessed.
These six weeks may be challenging for us if we sincerely place ourselves in the sacred moments of this Lenten theme. Our theme this year offers great hopefulness in the positive reflection of “BECOME…FOREVER CHANGED”.
I have heard throughout my ministry that change is difficult for some of our brothers and sisters. Change, I suspect, challenges everyone from time to time depending on the reason and circumstances. Perhaps some of you are still struggling with the change of our two faith communities clustering together. I know personally for myself having recent deaths of very, very dear friends (may I say the family I have chosen) has been difficult for me. Even knowing and understanding life changes, grief and heartache still brings sorrow to my spirit because of the love I have been blessed to have experienced with such wonderful friends. Easter is ever before me and you, and yet “CHANGE” can challenge us to understand, accept, and embrace what Jesus offered for peace and acceptance to all willing to follow in His ways.
It is with hope, that we come together these six weeks and seek change in our lives. We are blessed for sure, but we are still sinners in need of conversion and forgiveness. What sin(s) are we willing to admit have separated us from Christ? Can we admit in choosing “change”? With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will we see that we can “BECOME…FOREVER CHANGED” for the goodness of our lives and the anticipation of Jesus’s promise of salvation?
We have a lot of opportunities before us to make our Easter truly a moment with recognition of Resurrection. Both of our faith communities have provided for your spiritual journey some materials to bless your home these six weeks. Both parishes are offering the “BLACK BOOK” inspired by the late Bishop Ken Untener from Saginaw, Michigan. His reflections have been inspirational and beloved by many for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and for Stewardship. We invite you to pick up a book... one per household, please. We also have other spiritual materials at our parishes that you are welcomed to take for your prayer.
Each parish is offering a variety of opportunities you can participate in over these sacred weeks. Please check the bulletin and our websites for what is happening. I would like to highlight one opportunity from each of our parishes and one
shared between the two.
The Church of the Transfiguration has an interesting opportunity called “Clue Catcher.” For our young people, this series
finds us pretending to be detectives who search for clues and solve mysteries about God using the Gospels. Episodes are being offered each week and you can participate in Clue Catchers and our other Lenten videos HERE .
Saint Catherine’s has a ‘well” in the narthex. One of our Lenten weekends will address the “Woman at the Well.” Building on our theme, “BECOME…FOREVER CHANGED”, you are invited to reflect and think about how you might improve within your spiritual life. You are invited to look within yourself. What self-improvement might you be seeking? You are invited to write it down on the cards/pencils in the pews and place it in the well. Living waters came from the well Jesus spoke of and living “change” can come up from the “well” for you and me. You are welcome throughout the six weeks of Lent to add more thoughts and desires and place them in the “well”.
And, returning again, with great joy, are our “NOT YOUR TYPICAL CHURCH LADIES”, Anne Gallagher, Karen Luke and Vicky Wejko! These three phenomenal individuals are offering to all of us great Podcasts to reflect upon our Lenten Days! Each week they have prayerfully brought before us contemplation and Lenten prayers to lead us to Easter. Check them out HERE !!!
This week we hear in the sacred texts from our Lord “Get away from me Satan.” Have you ever felt like Jesus is saying this? Satan/evil or what ever you might want to describe it, creeps subtly into our lives? Do you sin? There it is. Do you put off the Lord, saying in one way or another, ”I’ll get to you later?” There it is. Do you place worldly concerns above all eternal promises? There it is. Where are you and I willing to be in this moment to grow closer to Him and “BECOME… FOREVER CHANGED” for the better of our very selves?
You are in my heartfelt prayers. I hope you have a moment to remember me in yours.
God’s love and joys and blessings to all,
Father Rob