Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

July 28, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 7/25/24

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had a blessed week.

Last weekend, I shared from our sacred texts the importance of taking care of ourselves and heeding Jesus’s invitation to “come away”.  Whether we are actively in pastoral ministry, or a spouse, parent or a caregiver, or fully employed ... Read More »

July 21, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 7/17/24

Dear Friends,

What a great and fabulous time was experienced in this year’s Vacation Bible School!  With the theme “CATHLETICS! Training to be Champions for Christ”, under the direction of Vicky Wejko and her dedicated and skilled volunteers, our young people from both our parishes had a memorable experience!

... Read More »

July 14, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 7/10/24

Pam McInerney, Music Director of St. Catherine of Siena, has penned this week’s column for Fr. Rob.   Here’s an update from Pam on the music ministry at St. Catherine’s, and her exciting summer plans!

O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

  Greetings one and all from ... Read More »

July 7, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 7/02/24

Dear Friends,

Two weeks ago we witnessed the disciples being in awe and amazement when Jesus stilled the winds and calmed the sea.  This weekend it is Jesus who is amazed.  Jesus is amazed at the reaction he receives after preaching in the temple.

The listeners exclaim, “Where did ... Read More »

June 30, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 6/26/24

Dear Friends,

Before us is the Fourth of July!  Recently, we have celebrated Memorial Day, Flag Day and Juneteenth.  Now arrives another very important day in our American history and why I still have flags proudly shown around my home.

Going back to my Holy Ghost grade school days I ... Read More »

June 23, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 6/20/24

Dear Friends,

We are in the liturgical time of the Church referred to as Ordinary Time.  When it comes to our faith, beliefs, and the practice of our religion nothing seems “ordinary” to me.  We have such a profound reality always before us in choosing to follow in the footsteps ... Read More »

June 16, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 6/13/24

Dear Friends,

This weekend we celebrate the individuals in our lives that we call our father, grandfather, godfather and others who have reflected one of these roles in our lives. Hopefully, these special people have blessed us in many ways. Hopefully, they have prayerfully modeled to us and shaped ... Read More »

June 9, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 6/06/24

Dear Friends,

I  have been blessed over the years in my pastoral ministry to work, play, pray and serve alongside some phenomenal individuals.

Some of the pastoral ministers who I have met are those of the Permanent Diaconate.  Two outstanding individuals, who are our Deacons, are currently blessing my ... Read More »

June 2, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 5/30/24

Dear Friends,

The peonies are beginning to bloom! The fragrance and colors (yellow is my favorite) bring fond memories to me of this being the month of June.  I think back to my graduations from grammar school, high school and college and how my mother’s gardens were magnificent.  The ... Read More »

May 26, 2024

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 5/23/24

Dear Friends,

It seems I just spoke about our welcoming the month of May and now we are near its completion.  This coming Monday we celebrate our nation’s Memorial Day.  We gratefully, as Americans, recognize the commitment of America’s military services, honoring those who lost their lives while defending their country.

Citizens of our great nation remember these faithful men and women in many ways. Many towns have parades and ceremonies on Memorial Day and some events conclude with a memorial service.  It is a day to proudly show our American flag. It is an opportunity to thank a veteran(s) we personally know, one we might recognize by their dress or their sharing of their service to our ... Read More »


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