Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

June 4, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 6/01/23

Today's Sunday Blog is brought to you by our Formation Team of Anne Gallagher, Vicky Wejko and Karen Luke!


Healthy Holy Habits for SummerSummer time will soon be here! That means sunny days, lots of family fun, and a chance to take a break from the grind. However, ... Read More »

May 28, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 5/25/23

Dear Friends,

This is a weekend for remembering, celebrating and acknowledging the Risen Lord in our lives. First and foremost this weekend, we celebrate the birthday of our church with the Feast of Pentecost! Fifty days have passed since our Easter Sunday. Hopefully, we have all “BECOME …FOREVER CHANGED” ... Read More »

May 21, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 5/18/23

Dear Friends,

We have just celebrated our fortieth day of Easter with the Ascension of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ! What a gift to acknowledge His great love that He brought before us here in our world. His ascension into Heaven reminds us that His love here is a ... Read More »

May 14, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 5/10/23

Dear Friends,

May continues to bring before us many things to celebrate in this Holy Season of Easter!

As I mentioned last week, our young people from our two parishes were confirmed at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The cathedral was filled with families and friends who came to support these ... Read More »

May 7, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 5/04/23

Dear Friends,

On Saturday, April 29th, I was blessed to preside at my first wedding of the year! It happened at Saint Catherine of Siena Church and it just happened to be the feast day of St. Catherine of Siena. Rachel Segrue married Sean Lewis, the bride and groom ... Read More »

April 30, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 4/28/23

Dear Friends,

I continue to offer my Alleluias to all of you in this Easter Season! Our Sacred texts have had us reflecting and celebrating Resurrection! Jesus is alive! From our Easter weekend we heard from Matthew about Mary Magdalene and the great earthquake, with an angel announcing Jesus ... Read More »

April 23, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 4/19/23

Dear Friends,

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praying your Easter Alleluias and blessings are continuing to enrich your “Becoming…Forever Changed!” Have you noticed, depending on the Deacon and where they are part of worship, there may be singing or no singing of the Alleluia at the end of mass this Easter ... Read More »

April 16, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 4/13/23

Dear Friends,

I offer continuing Alleluias and Joyful Blessings to all of you as we go forth in these days of Easter glory!!!

I pray your Holy Week and Easter day offered you the many blessings Jesus, our Risen Brother, has desired foreach and everyone of us. We are ... Read More »

April 9, 2023 Easter Sunday

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 4/06/23

Happy Easter to everyone!!!

I have to admit, I am writing this article because of holiday deadlines but I am really feeling some Alleluias even though today is March 30th!

As so many of you know, and you know me, I’m one who is pretty out there before everyone. ... Read More »

April 2, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 3/30/23

Dear Friends,

For several weeks, since our Ash Wednesday, we have been focused on “BECOME…FORVER CHANGED” in our journey towards Easter. What we have experienced so far has been both personal & shared as a faith community. My prayers have been that each of us in some way has ... Read More »


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