Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

April 16, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 4/13/23

Dear Friends,

I offer continuing Alleluias and Joyful Blessings to all of you as we go forth in these days of Easter glory!!!

I pray your Holy Week and Easter day offered you the many blessings Jesus, our Risen Brother, has desired foreach and everyone of us. We are ... Read More »

April 9, 2023 Easter Sunday

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 4/06/23

Happy Easter to everyone!!!

I have to admit, I am writing this article because of holiday deadlines but I am really feeling some Alleluias even though today is March 30th!

As so many of you know, and you know me, I’m one who is pretty out there before everyone. ... Read More »

April 2, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 3/30/23

Dear Friends,

For several weeks, since our Ash Wednesday, we have been focused on “BECOME…FORVER CHANGED” in our journey towards Easter. What we have experienced so far has been both personal & shared as a faith community. My prayers have been that each of us in some way has ... Read More »

March 26, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 3/24/23

Dear Friends,

This weekend’s Gospel is very poignant for me as I believe it is for all of us. As you know, our faith communities and myself personally have been part of many funerals since the beginning of 2023.

This past week I was in Beverly, Massachusetts to preside ... Read More »

March 19, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 3/16/23

Dear Friends,

Seems like Deja Vous with another weekend taste of winter! My skiing and snow mobile friends are finally happy! With Spring soon to “arrive”, it has been enjoyable to see tulip, crocus and daffodil leaves starting to poke through the soil! Little things that bring us great pleasure.

Our Fourth Week of Lent continues to invite us “BECOME… FOREVER CHANGED.” This week John invites us to reflect on the man born blind. He indeed became someone forever changed but not without some strife. His own parents were weak in acknowledging and supporting their son when questioned by their community because of fear. Nonetheless, the man who had his sight restored persevered in what he experienced and received from ... Read More »

March 12, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 3/09/23

Dear Friends

So Mother Nature gitfed us with another taste of winter this past Friday/Saturday! No matter what some may think, the landscape of our “world” looked beautiful with all the snow covering the trees. Ironically, friends from Melbourne, Australia called on that Friday sharing they were in the ... Read More »

March 5, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 3/02/23

Dear Friends,

Introduced on Ash Wednesday, our parish theme, “BECOME… FOREVER CHANGED” challenged us to reflect on our prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Hopefully, still in the early moments of this sacred time, we are exploring ourselves and the spiritual journey we may choose that will draw us deeper in ... Read More »

February 26, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 2/23/23

Dear Friends,

“BECOME…FOREVER CHANGED” is the theme of our two faith communities as we move forward together these six weeks of Lent. This past Wednesday, we began the journey towards Jerusalem and the promise of another experience of Easter! We are blessed.

These six weeks may be challenging for ... Read More »

February 19, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 2/17/23

Instead of a post from Fr. Rob, we have this article below from our 'Not Your Typical Church Ladies' - our Formation staff of Anne Gallagher and Vicky Wejko (Transfiguration) and Karen Luke (St. Catherine).


As we begin the season of Lent, join us on the journey to ... Read More »

February 12, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 2/09/23

Dear Friends,

I hope that everyone survived the cold snap we experienced. “Winter” certainly has spoiled us so those cold/bitter days were a reality check!

As I mentioned last week our new year has been one with many returning home to God. This past week Jim Lawler and Jim ... Read More »


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