Lord, how good it is for us to be here -- Matthew 17

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

Fr. Rob's Weekly Message

December 31, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 12/28/23

Dear Friends,

I am excited to be alive and to be able to wish all of you a very Happy New Year!!! Emmanuel is among us and greatly blessed are we to embrace alongside our Lord new days of life!

I pray, you are still celebrating the twelve days ... Read More »

December 25, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 12/20/23

Dear Friends,

What a pleasure and joy it is to share from my heart a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!  If you were able to attend one of our Christmas Masses, I hope you will join me in thanking all who made our worship so ... Read More »

December 17, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 12/13/23

Dear Friends,

Strengthening the Vine as we welcome Emmanuel is a perfect direction for us this Third Sunday of Advent. It is referred to as Gaudete Sunday, one that has us rejoicing in the Lord who is coming in our midst.

The Gospel continues from last week with John ... Read More »

December 10, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 12/08/23

Dear Friends,

As we “Strengthen The Vine By Welcoming Emmanuel” this weekend and next the gospel has us encountering John the Baptist.  John’s whole emphasis is not on himself but that we prepare to encounter one greater than him, Jesus Christ! This is John’s singular focus.

Being the son ... Read More »

December 3, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 11/30/23

Dear Friends,

We begin our new liturgical year with the Season of Advent! This season has always been one of my favorites. It invites us to reflect on being patient for the Lord’s Second Coming. It calls us to “stay awake” and be “prepared” for the Lord’s arrival.

Like ... Read More »

November 26. 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 11/22/23

Dear Friends,

We just celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday and I hope each of you enjoyed the day.

Counting my blessings and joys I know I have much to be grateful for because of the Lord’s great generosity upon me! Each night as I prepare to go to sleep, I ... Read More »

November 19, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 11/16/23

Dear Friends,

I cannot express enough gratitude for all you wonderful sisters and brothers that made my 40th Anniversary as a priest so blessed! It was a moment to cherish as family, friends and so many parishioners (YES, they are friends too!) came together for mass and cheer that followed!

Big appreciation to Karen Luke, Tiffany Wagner, Charlene Merrill, Bob Goldbach, Scott Tubbs, Pam McInerney, Tony Jovenetti and Ken Piazza for pulling together the programs, assistance with the Liturgy, the beautiful music, setting the environment for the reception, coordinating the reception after mass and to the eminent MC, and Music Maestro for a great memory lane of ... Read More »

November 12, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 11/09/23

Dear Friends,

Forty years ago on November 11th, I was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Matthew Clark.

It was an evening that will be forever in my mind and heart. There was a bit of snow outdoors but it had no effect on the church filled with family, ... Read More »

November 5, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 11/02/23

Dear Friends,

We have been through a tough time. As we were gathered at Transfiguration for a Prayer Service for Peace in the Middle East, an apparent murder/suicide took place just around the corner. Sadly, this occurred with children in the home. How heartbreaking for the families and friends ... Read More »

October 29, 2023

Posted by Nancy Wahl on 10/28/23

Dear Friends,

First, I want to share some additional information regarding a leadership change within our parishes as we embark on an exciting phase of growth and revival.

As our environment changes and the needs of our parishes evolve, communications have become increasingly vital. We want to keep everyone ... Read More »


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